Friday, January 25, 2013

Blake’s 15 Month Checkup

Guess who’s 16 months old...
Yep, this guy. We’re a little behind on his well-baby checkups, so he just had his 15 month visit yesterday. Blake’s an all-around healthy kid. He’s 32 inches tall (64th percentile) and weighs 23 pounds 2 ounces (24th percentile). The pediatrician could tell he just started walking a month or so ago (I guess he seemed wobbly?), but said he seemed rather verbal. We were referred to an allergist for his reaction to peanuts, and he has to get a blood test to check for something having to do with food allergies. That should be fun. Then the nurse made Blake lie on the table while she took what seemed like her sweetass time giving him three shots that he cried his way through. Hello, Lady. Strong, screaming, stubborn kid here. I can barely pin him down. Maybe that’s normal, but I’m used to being able to hold him on my lap and getting 3 shots in like 4 seconds. (This was our first time seeing this pediatrician.) Really, it wasn’t bad. He stopped crying right when I picked him up.
P.S. Mop cut hopefully coming this weekend. If not, we’re starting ponytails again. I’m only half-joking.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I’m Back

Oops, I haven’t blogged in over nine months. I kept thinking I’d write about things later, but then that list of nine months worth of stuff to write about got waaay too long because I’ve been busy with these rascals...

So I’m just going to skip it altogether and start over. Hopefully I won’t go longer than a month without posting. Then it won’t ever be too intimidating of a task to catch up. Hopefully :).